Tech Tip: Increase the max file upload size in WordPress

Are you one of the many frustrated WordPress users having problems with the 2MB upload limit? If so, there’s good news!!! There are two workarounds to fix the issue. You’ll need a few things to get started: CPanel or FTP access and Wordpad/Notepad.

#1 – Create a PHP.INI (file)

  • Create a Wordpad and put in the following code:

memory_limit = 64M
upload_max_filesize = 64M
post_max_size = 64M
file_uploads = On

  • SAVE the file and name: php.ini (lower case)
  • Open the CPanel manager or FTP manager and upload the file into the wp-admin (folder)
  • This will cause the upload to increase (NOTE: some hosting providers this will not work for, test 10M instead of 64M and try again)

# 2 – Modifying the .htaccess

  • Open the CPanel manager (make sure hidden files are visible) or FTP manager
  • Find the .htaccess (file)
  • Locate the following line of code: # END WordPress (sometimes this code may not exist, continue on to next step)
  • After previous code, enter the following code:

php_value upload_max_filesize 64M
php_value post_max_size 64M
php_value max_execution_time 1500
php_value max_input_time 1500

  • SAVE the file and re-upload in to root folder or if editing in root folder save in root folder
  • This will cause the upload to increase


Disclaimer – Some hosting providers will not allow for max upload increases or allow full access to CPanel or FTP. Contact your hosting provider if this is the case.

Please contact our office if you need our IT folks to help you out!


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